Thursday, July 29, 2010

Has anybody got any advice on how to get pregnant when struggling?

Hi all! My husband and I are trying to get pregnant but we do not want to involve any doctors as yet. Does anybody have some advice?Has anybody got any advice on how to get pregnant when struggling?
yes: i have a ton of advice.

first things first. before you try you both need to take the right supplements for 3 months - this will improve egg and sperm quality.

your husband needs to wear loose boxers, loose trousers and keep his cell phone away from his crotch. laptops must not be used on laps without a cushion under them, and he is not allowed to have hot baths.

he should also lower his alcohol intake and cut out cigarettes or any recreational drugs. caffeine is ok in moderation but he should make sure he drinks a lot of water and is well hydrated.

have him take a wellman supplement daily or some other male multi. it needs to have selenium and zinc in there among other things so i recommend wellman. he should also take 1000mg of vitamin c, b complex, vitamin e %26amp; a probiotic.

regular exercise is important for you both. walking, swimming and yoga are particularly good.

for you: take a prenatal supplement with at least 400 folic acid, daily. you will also need a probiotic, vitamin c (but not too much), and a b complex.

evening primrose oil is good for the first half of your cycle, from when you get your period up to ovulation but you should then stop taking it for the 2nd half of your cycle. it helps to create better quality fertile mucous but can cause uterine contractions so best not to take it 2nd half of cycle.

you should cut way back on alcohol and caffeine. i allow myself one caffinated drink a day but no more than that. you need to drink lots of water and fruit juice. keep hydrated.

your diets need to be super healthy. no junk food. fresh things and stay away from cheap meats injected with hormones.

OK now on to the fun stuff.

you will need to familiarise yourself with your ovulation pattern. join and buy a basal body thermometer.

take your temperature each morning when you wake and enter it into fertility friend.

you will see after 1 or 2 cycles roughly where you ovulate, and you will be able to confirm that you do, infact, ovulate regularly.

you can use ovulation prediction kits to detect ovulation. they are good but i found them very stressful and expensive - its hard to guess when to test so I invested in the clearblue fertility monitor instead. it cost me 拢60 but it was a godsend. we conceived our first month using it. sadly i miscarried but that is nothing to do with the effectiveness of the monitor.

we also used preseed intimate moisturizer. this lubricant is also a god send. not only does it make sex fun but it creates an ideal environment for sperm to survive so that they can reach your egg.

we conceived the cycle we used this with the monitor.

best things to know : sperm in an ideal environment (assuming they are healthy) can live in your body for up to 5 days. they get lazy after about 2 days. you are fertile for only 2 days a month. it is very important when ttc, to get that sperm in there the days leading up to ovulation. they hang around in there ready for the egg when it is released.

so we used preseed the day before o, the day of o and the day after o. we also made sure we didnt have too much sex in the first week of my cycle . we focused our efforts (7 days every day by sheer luck more than anything) in week 2 of my cycle.

you should not let your husband go more than 5 days without ejaculating for the health of his sperm, he should not ejaculate more than once a day. sex every other day is fine through your fertile time but every day is better assuming a healthy sperm count. if this is not possible, every other day throughout your cycle is also a good route to a conception.

i hope all this helps. please feel free to contact me.Has anybody got any advice on how to get pregnant when struggling?
the best time to conceive is 14 days from the first day of your period.when you are ovulating.

so you need to count 14 days from your first day of your period then have sex for 5 days straight.

i hope this helps.

good luck
look up 7 tips to get pregnant faster ..the have some great can do this don't get frustrated or it wont happen... Breath!! 3 times a day will help....

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