I teach driving instruction and think that I am fairly skilled, but I am always ready to improve my methods. I'm in the U.S. but perhaps overseas folks can give me some useful advice.Where can I get free advice on becoming the best driving instructor that I can.?
I think that Driver Education is a ';life long learning'; curve. There is very comprehensive instruction (mandatory and 35 hrs) in Europe for example. I live in Canada, and some Provinces are more prone to promoting Driver Education than others, as I am sure some States in the U.S. do.
It seems that every Driving School has their own approach in order to attract clients.
For example BMW has a 4 day course in Canada.
If I were you I would do a search of Driving schools in Europe and advanced methods also.
YOu can study more on the laws of physics.
Its also interesting to read Driver Training manuals from other states and provinces and see their approach.
If you travel, have a chat with Driving Instructors in the area to compare methods and information.
As a Driving Instructor, perhaps you can travel and take a course while on your trip AND write off part of your trip!
Do your research online and good luck to you.......and the Military is another source of information too because they have their own methods. All is enlightening, and passing along all this information is exciting too!Where can I get free advice on becoming the best driving instructor that I can.?
I think the best people to ask would be the ones that you are teaching. Write up a questionnaire that you could send out a month or so after the student has left you. I think that their feedback would be more beneficial to you. Their feedback would let you know what areas your students feel are your strong points and what areas you might need work on as an instructor.
Good luck :)
Take a veteran instructor out for a few beers.
Yahoo Answers is the BEST place for free advice
1) stay loose and not uptight
2)dont alienate yourself from your students
3)dont yell or scream at a student at any time
4)minor problems are just that, minor. point them out then give time for improvement.
5) take a defensive driving course
6) ask local police for advice, literature, videos, and tips. If they know you are an instructor, they will be more than happy to help in any way.
7) make sure every student gets equal time no matter what their driving level. If they are nervous with other classmates then arrange for a more private instructional period (just take along a video camera to protect your rights as many people would never want to be alone with a student due to the times).
8) Above all just keep an open mind. Your are a teacher, but be a friend also (it will help more than you think)
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