Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Where can I get free advice on bringing retirement funds from overseas to Aus?

I am currently with Statewide Supperannuation, who have told me they do not give advice on transferring retirement funds from overseas to their clients accounts, even though they are a private commercial enterprize? Duh!!!

Can someone please advise me who I could contact to get free information as well as a more user friendly super fund?

Thanks to allWhere can I get free advice on bringing retirement funds from overseas to Aus?
I'm, by far, no expert...however, I think I would call a government office in Australia/Austria to find out how you can transfer the funds...keeping them invested...or as a payout and then paying any tax that might be due...I wouldn't accept just anyones comments about such an important issue. Whomever you speak with...get their name, address, telephone number, what their title is...anything that would help you if any problems arise...

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