Monday, August 23, 2010

Advice to get rid of the lock on the TV and computer?

My parents feel the need to put a physical lock around the TV and computer plugs. It all started when my brother was on the computer for 6 hours every day. I hate the locks. I need real good advice because these are not just normal people I am dealing with.Advice to get rid of the lock on the TV and computer?
They should use the locks on something other than the computers!Advice to get rid of the lock on the TV and computer?
They may not be normal, but they are your parents. When you have kids of your own, you will understand some of the things they do and their reasons for doing them. Babies do not come with instruction manuals, so they improvise and do what they think is best.

I agree, they don't always achieve the best, so with that in mind, sit down and talk to them about the locks. Persuade them to remove them.
You are on the computer now,use the time your parents give you wisely,educate yourself with real knowledge that will get you ahead in life, you might not like it now but I was your age once and so were your parents and don't think we can't remember what is was like to be your age. And remember you can't tell them ''life'' experiences because they have been there and you have not. Wisdom comes with age but smarts and education start when you are young.It has been proven that prolong visual on a computer causes eye strain and vision problems earlier in life and to much time spent on the computer causes a mental instability. (mixing reality with virtual reality and cripples socialization skills and ability) Any adult that knows these facts will agree with your parents on this subject, you should be limited on the amount of time you spend on the computer unless you are doing research for school and can prove it.And with all the ''crap'' that is on tv you shouldn't ''pollute'' your brain wtih it.Read books,join a sport league of choice,skate board, ride bikes,rollerblading and the list goes on and on.
When you grow up you might understand this is for your own good!!!!
We are not going to help you defy your parents

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