Monday, August 23, 2010

Do you get more medical advice from the kids' pedi than your primary care?

I rarely call either, my mother in law is an MA so I just call her.

BTW, we've missed you terribly!Do you get more medical advice from the kids' pedi than your primary care?
No. However I used to. I used to have crappy insurance and my doctor really was a quack. Now that I have more expensive but better coverage I have an amazing doctor and a great pediatrician for my kids (he's actually my husband and brother-in-law's pedi from then they where kids)Do you get more medical advice from the kids' pedi than your primary care?
My daughter's ped refused to give me a medical opinion if I was sick and I can't find the time to make an appt for myself. Since we have a PPO, we go to Urgent Care instead. No appt needed, wait times are 1/2 as short, and they have peds and gp's so we can be seen at the same time.
My primary care physician is also Johnny's doctor. He's a family doc. :)

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